Monday, April 13, 2009

Lemmy Sing You A Love Song

The OverDrone is still functioning and I have good news for those of you who check in regularly (Google Spiderbots #'s 8, 9 and 33, my devoted fanbase). And maybe perhaps, possibly there might be a newer and better OverDrone for the internets to ignore.
This Summer, hopefully ...

Picture above is viewable on my flickr stream thingie here.

This version reminds me of what a catchy songwriter Lemmy is. He'd fit right in with Burt Bacharach and Sir Paul wouldn't he?

... and don't forget the joker


Static said...

Hey, glad you're "back".

I always pictured Lemmy as being Willie Nelson's nemesis.

Everytime "Ace of Spades" is played live, it fries Willie's braids off.

Static said...

Bwahaha! Touche. Nice one!
Yeah it's been awhile hadinit?

Lest we forget Herr Joker, he was pimping out Willie and his pigs. He also had Lemmy by the balls.

The Jokemeister forced Lemmy to do the Papua runs -- blackmailed with photos of his trysts at Willie's pig farm.

Of course Lemmy's cargo often comes up short and is cut with talcum powder, powdered milk or even Ajax..fortunately, dealers and addicts in New Guinea haven't noticed yet.

In fact it's been good for business, they get less of a high and so must buy more - chasing the previous high.

One thing for sure is, the Papuans are fresh, dry, have the whitest healthiest teeth and bones and fart soap bubbles 24/7!